Relics - Fantasy prop designs

General / 28 January 2024

After taking a class on Material Rendering, which I wrote about in my first blog post here, I decided to work on a short series of prop illustrations to show off my new-found skills.

The goal was fairly simple and narrow - fantasy props, the kind you might see in a TTRPG setting, that make use of as many different materials as possible.

Here's my first one, Champion's Helmet - 

The Dragonfire Candlestick is a favourite of mine -

And the Crystal Magnifier -

Overall, I really enjoyed working on this short project for two reasons:

  1. I find it very helpful to view personal work as projects rather than individual pieces. This helps me to focus on the themes and the world of a concept rather than starting from scratch with every new artwork or concept.
  2. Putting new skills to use as soon as you learn them is a great way to make sure they stick. This 'Relics' project came very soon after finishing up taking a Material Rendering class, and putting those lessons to use as soon as I could has helped me to lock-in those skills.

Thanks for reading!